Стрессы по английский


1 стресс

2 стресс, провоцирующий болезнь

3 стресс в результате нахождения в замкнутом помещении

4 стресс

5 стресс

6 стресс

7 стресс

8 стресс

9 стресс

источник стресса — stressor

снятие стресса — stress coping

в условиях стресса — under stress

каждодневный стресс — daily stress

нежелательный стресс — undue stress

10 стресс

испытывать стресс (находиться под влиянием стресса) — to suffer from a stress

11 стресс от действия ускорений

12 стресс

13 стресс

14 стресс в результате полёта

15 стресс от (неблагоприятных условий) среды

16 стресс от вибрации

17 стресс от воздушных полётов

18 стресс от неудачи

19 стресс от суммы факторов

20 стресс от физической нагрузки

См. также в других словарях:

Стресс (Stress) — любой фактор, который может нанести вред здоровью человека или негативно сказывается на функции его организма (к таким факторам относятся, например, травма, болезнь или сильное волнение). Существование какого либо одного вида стресса приводит к… … Медицинские термины

Стресс (stress) — В наиболее общем смысле термин «С.» употребляется для ссылки на ситуацию, в к рой чел. испытывает перенапряжение. Однако внутри этой общей концепции выделилось неск. более конкретных определений, подчеркивающих разные аспекты этой ситуации… … Психологическая энциклопедия

Стресс сёрфинг — Содержание 1 Стресс сёрфинг 2 История 3 Предпосылки 4 Метафора … Википедия

Стресс — (от англ. stress давление, нажим, напор; гнёт; нагрузка; напряжение) неспецифическая (общая) реакция организма на воздействие (физическое или психологическое), нарушающее его гомеостаз, а также соответствующее состояние нервной… … Википедия

Стресс-анализ — современная интегративная методика развития потенциала личности и избавления от последствий стресса, базирующаяся на принципах гуманистической психологии (А.Маслоу, К.Роджерс , В.Франкл), интегральной психологии (Кен Уилбер), современного… … Википедия

стресс — а; м. [от англ. stress напряжение] Состояние напряжения организма человека или животного как защитная реакция на различные неблагоприятные факторы (холод, голодание, физические и психические травмы и т.п.). ◁ Стрессовый, ая, ое. С ое состояние. С … Энциклопедический словарь

стресс — Состояние человека, характеризующееся неспецифическими защитными реакциями (на физическом, психологическом и поведенческом уровне) в ответ на экстремальные патогенные раздражители (смотри Адаптационный синдром). Реакция психики на… … Большая психологическая энциклопедия

СТРЕСС — (стресс реакция) (англ. stress напряжение) особое состояние организма человека и млекопитающих, возникающее в ответ на сильный внешний раздражитель. В русском языке термин стресс употребляется также для обозначения и самого раздражителя… … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

СТРЕСС — [англ. stress напряжение, давление] физиол. состояние напряжения организма под действием неблагоприятных причин (холода, голода, психических и физических травм и т.д.). Словарь иностранных слов. Комлев Н.Г., 2006. стресс (англ. stress напряжение) … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

СТРЕСС — (от англ. stress напряжение) англ. stress; нем. Stress. 1. В физиологии (Г. Селье) неспецифическая реакция организма на воздействие любых неблагоприятных факторов (голод, холод, физические и психические травмы и т. д.). 2. Состояние общего… … Энциклопедия социологии

Стресс-тестирование программного обеспечения — Стресс тестирование (англ. Stress Testing) один из видов тестирования программного обеспечения, которое оценивает надёжность и устойчивость системы в условиях превышения пределов нормального функционирования. Стресс тестирование особенно… … Википедия


In deep trouble. О стрессах, проблемах и невезении на английском языке

Чтобы не пропустить новые полезные материалы, подпишитесь на обновления сайта

It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.

Не стресс убивает нас, а наша реакция на него.

Время от времени каждый из нас переживает какие-то неприятности. Проспал (to oversleep) и опоздал на работу (to be late for work), сломал каблук (to break the heel) или потерял кошелек (to lose a wallet). Кто-то провалил экзамен (to fail the exam), не может расплатиться с долгами (to pay the debts) или просто очень устал (to be tired). Наши волнения (worries) и эмоции (emotions) накапливаются, что в дальнейшем может привести к стрессу.

Слово «стресс» произошло от английского stress. В переводе это означает «напряжение», «давление», «усилие». В небольших количествах стресс нам полезен, поскольку он способствует поиску выхода (the way out) из сложной ситуации. Однако продолжительный стресс плохо влияет на нашу внешность (appearance) и иммунную систему(an immune system).

Говорим о стрессах на английском языке

Базовая лексика для обсуждения жизненных проблем и невезений:

Узнайте больше о стрессе и его причинах от преподавателя Gill из нашего следующего видео. Список полезной лексики поможет вам в будущем с легкостью общаться на эту тему.

  • particular – особый, конкретный;
  • to get stressed out – получить стресс;
  • to survive – выживать;
  • upset and agitated – огорченный и взволнованный;
  • to cope with smth – справиться с чем-либо;
  • strain – напряжение;
  • to have control over smth – контролировать что-либо;
  • pressure – давление;
  • traumatic – травмирующий;
  • anxiety – беспокойство, тревога, опасение;
  • to see the point of doing smth – видеть смысл в каком-либо действии;
  • highly-pressured – под большим давлением;
  • a term – термин;
  • a comfort zone – зона комфорта;
  • to stay inside your comfort zone – пребывать в зоне комфорта;
  • to step outside your comfort zone – покинуть зону комфорта;
  • to push the envelope – покинуть зону комфорта;
  • upbringing – воспитание;
  • to thrive on stress – получать пользу от стресса;
  • a hormone – гормон;
  • to give smb a boost – дать кому-то толчок;
  • to manage smth – справиться с чем-то;
  • to go ahead – двигаться вперед;
  • a psychologist – психолог;
  • to be in control of smth – контролировать что-либо;
  • sense of status – ощущение статусности;
  • anticipation – ожидание, предчувствие;
  • a panic attack – приступ паники;
  • to get obsessed about smth – быть одержимым чем-либо;
  • a encounter – встреча;
  • to feel threatened – ощущать угрозу;
  • to withdraw from society – избегать общества;
  • occasionally – иногда, изредка;
  • to gain confidence – обрести уверенность;
  • to avoid stress – избегать стресса;
  • I can’t take the stress of this job! – Я не могу вынести напряжение этой работы!
  • А эту группу слов и всевозможных словосочетаний, связанных со стрессом, мы собрали для вашего удобства в таблицу. Запоминайте их и используйте в соответствующей речевой ситуации.

    Как подбодрить человека в стрессовой ситуации

    Правильно говорить о своих волнениях и опасениях вам поможет преподаватель Benjamin. Он также расскажет в своем видео, как подбодрить окружающих в случае стрессовой ситуации.

    Список полезной лексики из видео:

  • to worry about – беспокоиться о;
  • fear – страх;
  • anxious – тревожный, беспокойный;
  • apology – извинение;
  • genuine sense – первоначальный смысл;
  • to have fear for – бояться чего-либо;
  • intense – интенсивный;
  • to suggest – предлагать;
  • to be dumped – быть брошенным (девушкой/парнем);
  • I’m afraid that… – Я боюсь, что…
  • I can’t help thinking… – Не могу не думать о…
  • I’ve been worried sick about… – Я ужасно беспокоюсь о…
  • It’s been keeping me up at night. – Это не дает мне спать по ночам.
  • I’m dreading. – Я боюсь.
  • I’m really nervous. – Я действительно нервничаю.
  • Mustn’t grumble! – Не жалуюсь!
  • Stiff upper lip! – Молодцом!
  • Practice makes perfect. – Практика – путь к совершенству.
  • Keep trying! – Пробуй, не сдавайся!
  • It’s not the end of the world. – На этом жизнь не заканчивается.
  • Cheer up! – Приободрись!
  • Chin up! – Выше нос!
  • Plenty more fish in the sea. – Свет клином на ней (нем) не сошелся.
  • Lighten up! – Воспринимай все легче!
  • No use crying over spilt milk! – Слезами делу не поможешь!
  • Look on the bright side! – Взгляни на это с другой стороны!
  • Возьмите себе на заметку еще несколько полезных фраз, связанных с удачей и невезением в нашей стремительной жизни.

    Английские приметы

    Согласитесь, очень удобно находить объяснение своих проблем и неудач в окружающих нас обстоятельствах. Мы верим в приметы, приносящие удачу, а если что-то не ладится, вспоминаем о дурных предзнаменованиях. Вот некоторые приметы и символы, связанные с везением (good luck) и неудачами (troubles) в англоязычных странах.

  • Не забудьте почитать нашу статью о суевериях «Кролики – это не только ценный мех, но и хороший знак».
  • Идиомы о неприятностях и проблемах на английском языке

    Английский язык настолько богат фразеологизмами, что и наша тема не осталась без внимания. Некоторые из них довольно необычные, но легко запоминающиеся. Вы можете сказать: I have butterflies in my stomach! Конечно, никаких бабочек в вашем животе нет, просто вы имели в виду, что испытываете волнение.

    Предлагаем вам несколько интересных фразеологизмов с переводом для подробного рассмотрения.

      The tip of the iceberg – верхушка айсберга.

    My parents’ arguing about which hotel to stay in was only the tip of the iceberg; they treated each other horribly throughout their vacation. – Ссора моих родителей относительно того, в каком отеле остановиться, была только верхушкой айсберга. Они ужасно обращались друг с другом весь отпуск.

    A vicious cycle (circle) – замкнутый круг.

    The more I try to remember getting ready for my exams, the more I forget. The more I forget, the more facts I need to remember. It’s a vicious cycle. – Чем больше я пытаюсь запомнить, готовясь к экзамену, тем больше я забываю. Чем больше я забываю, тем больше мне нужно запоминать. Это замкнутый круг.

    At your wits’ end – на грани нервного срыва, в отчаянии.

    Jane is at her wits’ end because she’s just got fired. – Джейн в отчаянии, поскольку ее только что уволили.

    To ask for trouble – напрашиваться на неприятности.

    Driving too fast when you have a police car behind is really asking for trouble! – Превышать скорость, когда за тобой следует полицейская машина, значит напрашиваться на неприятности!

    To be back to the wall – быть загнанным в угол, оказаться в безвыходной ситуации.

    With his back to the wall, my business partner had to accept the deal. – Оказавшись в безвыходной ситуации, мой партнер по бизнесу вынужден был принять условия сделки.

    Предлагаем вам сохранить список всех слов и выражений на тему «Все о стрессах, проблемах и невезении на английском языке» и пройти тест, чтобы проверить, насколько хорошо вы усвоили лексику из статьи.


    Definition of stress in English:

    1 Pressure or tension exerted on a material object.

  • ‘They too help reduce stress and pressure on the bearings.’
  • ‘A key feature of this flow field is the kinematic linearity, i.e., doubling the pipette pressure doubles the shear stress on the cell surface.’
  • ‘Using atomic-scale simulations, it is possible to visualise how atoms move and interact as a material deforms under stress.’
  • ‘Lower pressure means less stress on the structure of the habitat and less leakage.’
  • ‘Measuring the degree of curvature in a surface helps determine potential bending stress and material strain.’
  • ‘A poro-elastic model which includes a coupling of fluid pressure and local stress would also affect the scale of the intrusion complex.’
  • ‘In addition, the top is heated before fitting to reduce stress on the material and improve its fit.’
  • ‘Application of NaCl to the root system of maize plants exerts a strong water stress onto the plants.’
  • ‘The force of that gradient exerts massive stress on the structures.’
  • ‘Material stress is the least controllable and most troublesome characteristic.’
  • ‘This would exert further mechanical stress on the pigments of the pastel increasing the likelihood of dislodgement.’
  • ‘Osmotic stress and potential defects in small ion or metabolite transport were examined on 1.2 M NaCl plates.’
  • ‘In the vertebrate vascular system, shear stress exerted by blood flow has substantial effects on endothelial cell morphology and behavior.’
  • ‘An example is the stress on a material, such as a construction beam in a bridge.’
  • ‘The application of controlled subatmospheric pressure causes mechanical stress to tissues.’
  • ‘Less friction also reduces the stress imposed on the material.’
  • ‘Most modern sensors are electronic and work on the principle that temperature, pressure or stress affects the electrical behaviour of the sensor.’
  • ‘Using excessive pressure can damage equipment and exert great stress on air hoses.’
  • ‘For a hydro-fracture to form and propagate, fluid pressure must exceed horizontal stress plus the tensile strength of the overburden.’
  • ‘This compression is significantly reduced in the upper crust above the anomalous central region by the superimposed tensional loading stress.’
    1. 1.1 The degree of stress measured in units of force per unit area.
    2. ‘Fisher’s PhD research involved using acoustics to measure stress in aluminum alloys.’
    3. ‘Since neither antioxidant capacity nor oxidative stress was measured, an element of doubt about the adequacy of the antioxidant mix or dose is reasonable.’
    4. ‘But Hahn thinks that ‘the animal is the best sensor,’ and respiration rate is a way to measure heat stress.’
    5. ‘Consequently, local stress, defined as force per unit area, has to increase.’
    6. ‘The degree of stress differs in each specific case.’
    7. ‘The degree of stress associated with high and low ambient temperatures is compounded by high humidity.’
    8. ‘Parameters of glycation and oxidative stress were measured before and after the intervention.’
    9. ‘Both stress measures yielded results that were equivalent to the original model.’
    10. ‘Measures of oxidative stress are correlated with the degree of impairment of LV function.’
    11. ‘Use of the undeformed area to calculate stress had the effect of flattening the curves, so linear regression coefficients were compared.’
    12. 2 A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.

    13. ‘Many factors can affect blood pressure, including stress, diet, drug abuse, disease and environmental conditions.’
    14. ‘Although stress makes blood pressure rise temporarily, there’s doubt about whether it can contribute to a long-term increase.’
    15. ‘His doctor soon signed him off work with severe stress and high blood pressure.’
    16. ‘Motherwort is reputed to release tension caused by emotional and mental stress.’
    17. ‘Kids might start smoking because of peer pressure, to relieve stress, or to rebel against their parents.’
    18. ‘Walking can lower blood pressure, relieve stress, minimise the risk of strokes and diabetes and keeps you fit.’
    19. ‘Perspective and practice lend you ways to deal with stress and cope with pressure.’
    20. ‘Some scientists believe that we are running out of sleep, put under mental strain by work stress, caffeine and late-night internet distractions.’
    21. ‘As with caffeine, the influence of stress on blood pressure isn’t settled.’
    22. ‘Only five per cent of Manchester firms are taking measures to prevent stress — the biggest cause of workers taking time off sick.’
    23. ‘He cannot work under stress and tension due to his very high blood pressure.’
    24. ‘But I was very careful to not make too big of a deal about it so that I didn’t pile on pressure and stress or and make him hesitant to be honest with me if he went back to it.’
    25. ‘Glucocorticoids released during stress also exert profound effects on endocrine function by acting both in the periphery and in the brain.’
    26. ‘It is often said that asthma can be triggered by emotional stress.’
    27. ‘Other cases clearly involve unbearable mental and emotional stress.’
    28. ‘Noise can also cause stress, high blood pressure, fatigue, loss of sleep and anxiety.’
    29. ‘As stress and pressure started to increase again, I found myself looking at my still cuffed wrist while my hand tightened on the pen.’
    30. ‘But if you haven’t prepared for it and you aren’t confident with that situation, then that pressure develops into stress.’
    31. ‘It is also well documented that aggression and ‘pushiness’ can also contribute to high levels of stress and feeling pressurised.’
    32. ‘Nervousness and stress can increase blood pressure which in turn will increase glomerular filtration.’
    33. 2.1 count noun Something that causes a state of strain or tension.
      • ‘A masseur from Bradford on Avon is hoping her new book on Indian head massage will see the traditional relaxation techniques become the solution to the stresses and strains of everyday life.’
      • ‘It couldn’t be more appropriate, for Rosneath Castle Park is the perfect place to unwind and relax, free from the stresses and strains of modern living and an retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life.’
      • ‘Young adults bonded and relieved their stresses and strains.’
      • ‘It’s sustained a lot of stresses and strains before, although of course the media age brings it home to people with an intensity and immediacy that didn’t previously exist.’
      • ‘This was for entirely good reasons: the blissed-out holiday feeling never went away and — touch wood — the stresses and strains of earlier this year remain utterly tamed.’
      • ‘After only one day in charge of the players, Derek and I were promptly made aware of the stresses and strains that Gerry and every other manager at a smaller club is forced to work under.’
      • ‘Whether used as a weekend antidote to the stresses and strains of city living or purely as an investment, owning a second home may not be as financially straightforward as it might appear.’
      • ‘These stresses and strains have shown up because the euro is under pressure at the moment.’
      • ‘It is essential to speak to a qualified herbal practitioner before launching into experiments with herbal medicine, but many herbal teas are a perfect tonic for some of life’s stresses and strains.’
      • ‘It was built conveniently close to the bath-house where the ancients could take to the soothing waters to wash away the stresses and strains of their long journey.’
      • ‘It might look like a long-lost exhibit from a medieval torture chamber, but this chair is designed to ease away the stresses and strains of the working day.’
      • ‘The course deals with the stresses and strains of the individual driver and how to deal with conflict in the back of a cab.’
      • ‘Exercise actually helps us to fight against anxiety and depression, and a strong immune system makes the mind better able to cope with life’s stresses and strains.’
      • ‘I want other parents to be able to enjoy the last few weeks with their child, without having any of the stresses and strains Richard and I had.’
      • ‘As many return to the stresses and strains of work — perhaps a few festive pounds heavier — local companies are being invited to help employees fulfil some New Year resolutions.’
      • ‘But would these sprightly veterans have been better advised to avoid the stresses and strains of full-time toil in old age?’
      • ‘Whether it’s sleepless nights, mood swings or loss of appetite, the chances are that the stresses and strains of everyday life have affected you at some point.’
      • ‘Such an approach — although it is not by any means a secular one — might ease, rather than worsen, the stresses and strains of Indian public life.’
      • ‘Babies often have an abnormal head shape as a result of the stresses and strains of labour, but most will revert to normal by the time they are six weeks’ old.’
      • ‘It’s about three and a half months since I moved into this flat, and during that time it’s been little more than a bolt-hole from the stresses and strains of work, to be honest.’
      • 3 Biology
        Physiological disturbance or damage caused to an organism by adverse circumstances.

        4 Particular emphasis or importance.

      • ‘Equally important is his stress on what he describes as ‘the genealogical imagination’ which typified an age obsessed by pedigree and ancestry.’
      • ‘There is now much more stress on the importance of what distinguishes people — on tradition, identity, authenticity, the politics of difference.’
      • ‘His stress on the importance of China in the world situation was ‘petty bourgeois chauvinism’.’
      • ‘The stress upon the Word did not wholly eradicate the powerful effectiveness of the image.’
      • ‘Soviet staff manuals laid stress on the importance of deception, and divided it into strategic, operational, and tactical levels.’
      • ‘When you hear the rhythm of the guitar playing faster as you fight through a wall of enemies, then you’ll understand the importance and stress on music.’
      • ‘A fourth part of King’s self-help message was his stress on the fundamental importance of the traditional family.’
      • ‘This kind of stress on the importance of personal charity has its limitations; charitable actions may help a few, but are unlikely to reform society as a whole.’
      • ‘This exemplifies his wider, justified stress, on the importance of Burgundian-Netherlands culture and protagonists for Italian culture.’
      • ‘That is why I find so welcome Mathewes’s stress on the importance of memory as at the heart of my concern with liberalism and modernity.’
      • ‘The difference was his stress on mass consciousness as the driving force of revolution.’
      • ‘Second would be an increased emphasis on mega-churches and the corresponding stress on the importance of numbers rather than the transformation of lives.’
      • ‘Along with his brother, he then formed a pop-rock band which laid stress on a combination of vocals and guitar.’
      • ‘Clinton said politicians worldwide, including himself, had not put enough stress on the benefits of importing goods from other countries.’
    34. 4.1 Emphasis given to a particular syllable or word in speech, typically through a combination of relatively greater loudness, higher pitch, and longer duration.
  • ‘Further examples of this style of stress and emphasis can be found in all these three initial verses of the text.’
  • ‘The spelling is fundamentally phonetic and the stress falls on the next to last syllable unless indicated by an accent mark.’
  • ‘However, many researchers consider that the simplified grammar and marked stress patterns have an important role in making the structure of speech more accessible to the child.’
  • ‘It is the stress on the word ‘the’ that makes all the difference.’
  • ‘The name is pronounced with the stress on the second syllable.’
  • ‘In words bearing stress on the third last syllable, and in which the penultimate syllable contains a schwa followed by either l or r, there is a tendency for the schwa to be elided.’
  • ‘In words of three syllables or more, stress usually falls on the penultimate syllable.’
  • ‘He could not manage the soft tone of a human voice or juggle the stress on certain vowels and words, and on those he could it always came out angered sounding.’
  • ‘‘He abandoned mutti,’ Liena explained, with heavy stress on the final word.’
  • ‘The normally-stressed vowel is deleted, with stress shifted back to the initial syllable.’
  • ‘It is such differences in pitch and stress that automated speech synthesis methods have difficulty capturing and reproducing.’
  • ‘But there are computer programs that analyse speech to detect stress.’
  • ‘He highlights intonationally the syllable of each word that is its normal main stress.’
  • ‘Word stress is used primarily for emphasis and suffixes are stressed, as in readiness.’
  • ‘The same word in Korean might mean two different things, depending on the context and word stress.’
  • ‘The point was to begin to have to listen, to become aware of syllable and stress, though I didn’t use those words yet, not until we went over their lyrics in the second class.’
  • 1 reporting verb Give particular emphasis or importance to (a point, statement, or idea) made in speech or writing.

  • ‘I think that a very important point to stress is that these are weapons of mass disruption rather than mass destruction.’
  • ‘Another thing I think is really important to stress is that anyone, no matter how old he or she is, has the right to speak out and take action.’
  • ‘Free speech may well be in the minds of judges — and indeed, many judges in media cases stress how important free speech is.’
  • ‘We have been stressing these points for years but are we getting there?’
  • ‘How can this be achieved if only the bad points are stressed all the time?’
  • ‘Some of the points stressed by the participants were quite noteworthy.’
  • ‘The importance of Darwin’s ideas is stressed by Parkadze, a childhood friend of Stalin’s.’
  • ‘Tutors often stress breaks as an important element to study, but if I was compelled to do an hour’s work before breakfast every morning, life would be so much easier.’
  • ‘In a statement, the university stresses the recommendation does not reflect on the quality of teaching and learning within the department.’
  • ‘It could have come from a guest or a member of staff but the most important thing to stress is that it is a common bug that is prevalent in the community not just at Center Parcs.’
  • ‘He stressed the point that the impact of his writings was so deep that even many western scholars could not resist it.’
  • ‘He released a statement, stressing the importance of getting a routine physical exam, so that the cancer can be detected early.’
  • ‘Mahasin’s statement stresses the importance of discrimination as a factor determining her move.’
  • ‘As we shall see, it is not easy to answer this simple question, especially since some passages underline his importance, while others stress his inferiority to Jesus.’
  • ‘Even while he ignores his own part in the equation, one thing English does stress, over and over, is the importance of a good panel in the modern game.’
  • ‘So, better sanitation, safe drinking water and general health awareness are the important points being stressed by the hospital.’
  • ‘No negative thoughts or vibes whatsoever went into the making of it, which I stress is very important.’
  • ‘Along similar lines, you always stress that it’s important to put everything to the test of reason, and not accept things automatically.’
  • ‘The Commission stressed today’s statement was simply outlining matters to be discussed and it had not reached a decision on any of the issues.’
  • ‘The essays also stress how important were the dynamics of receiving cultures for the appropriation and interpretation of Christianity.’
  • 1.1 with object Give emphasis to (a syllable or word) when pronouncing it.
  • ‘He stresses the last word, and I stare at him indifferently.’
  • ‘She stresses each syllable at different times.’
  • ‘Latvian words are stressed on the first syllable, and written Latvian is largely phonetic.’
  • ‘He stresses every syllable of his words with an authoritative tone.’
  • ‘The difficulty seems to lie primarily in getting used to the odd way metre will stress unimportant words or syllables.’
  • ‘The way Michael stressed the word ‘our’ was not lost on Christina.’
  • ‘‘They were,’ Tiffany said, stressing the second word.’
  • ‘She pronounces the unfamiliar word slowly, stressing each syllable, and confirms that the student knows the number of syllables in the word.’
  • ‘The word she prefers to stress is ‘recognition’, which recurs throughout this thought-provoking meditation.’
  • ‘She stressed the word with more emphasis than she needed.’
  • ‘He stressed each word in the last sentence separately, his gaze leveled on the seven attorneys and judges who would decide the 2003 champion.’
  • ‘‘We all know that isn’t going to work,’ Ron said, stressing the word ‘that’.’
  • ‘‘Don’t go near my crew,’ he ground out, stressing each word.’
  • ‘‘You know how to operate this’ she spat, stressing each word quietly.’
  • ‘The last stressed vowel in the line, with all sounds following it, usually comprises the rhyming element.’
  • ‘There are a few cases where stressed syllables of content words are in weak positions.’
  • ‘Bob manages to make very obvious things sound like genius by stressing his words and using his arms for emphasis.’
  • ‘The words above are stressed on the first syllable.’
  • 2 with object Subject to pressure or tension.

  • ‘This group have instead put together a record whose super-mellow production is as relaxing as a pair of massaging hands on overly stressed shoulders.’
  • ‘Don’t bring the leg in so far it bends or hunch your shoulders; this stresses the hamstrings and the spine and neck.’
  • ‘Front delts are stressed by all shoulder presses and front raises, and they also assist in compound chest movements.’
  • ‘The overall effect raises blood pressure, stresses the heart, and affects breathing and your mood.’
  • ‘Don’t use a weight so heavy that you have to shrug your shoulders; this stresses your neck and back when you bring the weight overhead.’
  • ‘Don’t arch your back, push your ribs out or hunch your shoulders; each stresses the spine and neck.’
  • ‘The initial radiographic abnormalities predominate in the pressured or stressed segments of the joint.’
  • ‘Lowering your arms below mid-chest or angled toward your head can excessively stress your shoulders.’
  • ‘Tuck your pelvis forward over your left skate to better leverage the right skate’s pressure without stressing the knee.’
  • ‘Make certain every workout stresses your muscles in new ways, great or small.’
  • 3 with object Cause mental or emotional strain or tension in.


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